Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Does Adebayor deserve to be charged by the FA?

Man City's £25m signing, Emmanuel Adebayor, played some amazing football in last Saturday's clash with his former club. However his skills on the ball were overshadowed by a totally inappropriate goal celebration and an alleged deliberate stamp on the head of his former team mate, Robin Van Persie. The FA have as a result charged Adebayor with improper and violent conduct.

Adebayor has until 6pm tomorrow to formally respond, but in post match interviews he has apologised for his goal celebration, claiming pure adrenalin led him to run the length of the pitch and celebrate in front of the away supporters, and has denied any intent to injure Van Persie. Is his apology enough? Even if you disbelieve his claim that his sprint to the Arsenal fans was not intentional, it is impossible to deny that he spent much of last season being derired by the Gooner supporters and his claims that these fans abused him and his family throughout Saturday's match are almost certainly true. However in my view, when you are paid tens of thousands of pounds a week, part of your job is not only to score goals, but also to be mindful of how your behaviour can influence supporters. Anyone who knows anything about football could predict that to celebrate in that way in front of the Arsenal fans would drive a number of idiots to start throwing missiles on the pitch, which is what happened and resulted in a steward being knocked unconscious and hospitalised. This mindless violence was not Adebayor's fault directly, but he and other footballers need to be made absolutely aware that they play a part in minimising the occasions which provoke the thugs who claim to be fans. Plus Adebayor owes some respect for the club which allowed him to make his name in the premiership.

Adebayor's alleged stamp on Van Persie certainly looks nasty from certain angles. Van Persie himself has issued a statement on Arsenal's website berating Adebayor for what he claims was a deliberate act of violence. The FA will no doubt be studying all angles before they make their judgement. I hope that this was an accident because Adebayor is undoubtedly a very talented player and it would be a shame if this sort of behaviour defines his career. Footballers are paid too much to be as stupid as some of the fans.

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