Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Is Messi really that good?

Champions League Result 6th April 2010: Barca 4: Arsenal 1

Last night Arsenal were absolutely battered by a team that Wenger readily admitted is "better than us [Arsenal] and that has the best player in the world". He described Messi as "unstoppable" and "the only player who can change direction at such a pace."

As well as all the accolades from players and commentators alike, there is little argument that Messi's form for Barca this year has been outstanding. Having already hit three hat-tricks in Barca colours in 2010, he upped his game even further against Arsenal and scored four goals in a match for the first time in his career. However Messi refused to bask in his own personal glory and praised the rest of his team.

So given his unquestionable talent and a penchant for modesty and teamwork, is this 22 year old Argentinian the perfect player? Some critics point out than in 18 matches for Argentina, Messi has only managed 4 goals, although those close to the South American game say this is due to weaknesses in the squad as a whole. Gooners currently licking their wounds might point out that he failed to score at the Emirates last week, which is certainly true. These points aside, after tonight's performance, is there a manager in the world who wouldn't pick Messi?

There is no doubt that Messi is an all-time great and fantastic for the neutral to watch. However even a player of his quality needs a good team around him to really shine. Just to rub salt in the Gooner wounds, their all time top scorer and darling of North London, Thierry Henry, didn't even get off the bench in this encounter. That's how strong Barca is.

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